Hey there! Are you currently going through a divorce and feeling overwhelmed by the thought of what might happen to your mortgage? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. As an experienced divorce lender professional, I’ve helped countless individuals navigate the complexities of divorce and mortgage. In this article, I’ll reveal some essential secrets to help you safeguard your mortgage during this challenging time. So let’s dive in!

Understanding the Challenges:

Divorce is undoubtedly a difficult process, both emotionally and financially. When it comes to your mortgage, it’s crucial to understand the potential risks involved. One of the main challenges is ensuring that both parties remain accountable for mortgage payments. Failure to do so could impact your credit score and overall financial stability. I’ve seen situations where one ex-spouse neglected their mortgage responsibilities, causing significant issues down the line. That’s why it’s essential to address this matter head-on.

Pro Tip – get access.

If you are joint on the mortgage but are not receiving the monthly statement, contact your mortgage servicer and request payment notifications or at least a copy of the mortgage statement.  If you are joint on the mortgage any time a payment is missed, it will damage your credit even if the divorce decree states you are not responsible. You should freeze your credit report immediately and sign up for credit monitoring.

Communication and Collaboration:

During a divorce, open and honest communication is key, especially when it comes to your mortgage. Sit down with your ex-spouse and discuss the options available. It’s important to involve your divorce attorney and mortgage lender in these conversations as well. By working together, you can find a solution that benefits both parties. Remember, it’s not about winning or losing—it’s about finding a fair and mutually agreeable outcome.

Assessing Your Options:

When it comes to handling your mortgage during a divorce, there are several options to consider. One common choice is selling the house and splitting the proceeds. This allows both parties to move on financially and emotionally. Alternatively, if one spouse wishes to keep the house, they should refinance the mortgage in their name only. This option requires careful evaluation of creditworthiness and income stability.  If an equity division is required, we provide options up to 95% of the homes appraised value.  Each option has its pros and cons, so weigh them carefully and choose what aligns with your long-term goals.  I have conducted hundreds of consultations regarding equity buy outs and retaining the home.  I can help you too, just contact me for a free consultation.  

I have talked to many people that did not consult with me prior to signing a divorce agreement that learned they could not fulfill the terms of the agreement because they couldn’t qualify for an equity buyout.  Don’t let that happen to you.  Reach out to me and let’s make sure you can fulfil the terms of the agreement and do not open yourself up to a contempt of divorce lawsuit or additional fees.

Protecting Your Interests:

To safeguard your mortgage during a divorce, it’s essential to review and update any legal agreements related to the property. This includes ensuring that one spouse’s name is removed from the mortgage if applicable. I recall a case where a client neglected to remove their ex-spouse’s name from the mortgage after the divorce was finalized. This oversight caused significant complications when they wanted to refinance later. So, be sure to double-check the paperwork and make the necessary changes.  The only way to remove your name from a mortgage is to refinance that mortgage.  I would recommend that this be a requirement of your divorce within a very short period of time.  Late payments will damage your credit.

Seeking Professional Guidance:

Navigating the complexities of divorce and mortgage can be overwhelming. That’s where professionals like divorce lender specialists and mortgage experts come in. These individuals have extensive experience in dealing with divorce-related mortgage matters. They can guide you through the process, answer your questions, and provide invaluable advice. Seeking their assistance can make a world of difference in securing the best possible outcome for your mortgage.

Financial Considerations and Budgeting:

Divorce often brings significant changes to your financial situation. It’s crucial to carefully consider your budget and adjust your expenses accordingly. When it comes to mortgage payments, prioritize them to avoid any negative consequences. Remember, staying on top of your financial obligations is essential for your credit score and future financial stability. If necessary, seek financial counseling or assistance to help you manage your finances during this transition.

Protecting Your Credit:

Your credit score plays a vital role in your financial future. It’s crucial to monitor and protect it during the divorce process. Make sure to continue making timely mortgage payments, as any missed or late payments can harm your creditworthiness. Additionally, keep a close eye on joint debts and address any discrepancies promptly. A healthy credit score will not only help you during the divorce but also in rebuilding your financial life afterward.  I would recommend consulting with us when looking at these options.  Freeze your credit, lock your joint accounts if possible, and don’t close any accounts unless you have too.  Doing so could lower your score and possibly make it difficult to refinance out of the existing mortgage.


Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience. However, with the right strategies in place, you can safeguard your credit and peace of mind.

Divorce Equity Buy-Out Pre-Approval in a Changing Mortgage EnvironmentRichard Woodward

Branch Manager, NMLS 217454

Your 5-Star Rated Mortgage Lender

Voice/Text:  (214) 945-1066


Nexa Mortgage NMLS# 1660690

7820 Hague Ct Plano, TX 75025